Tuesday, February 1, 2011


Alright, I have no news to post.  Well, no really interesting news, like I've lost mega pounds and tons of inches, BUT I am working hard, people!  Yesterday was Chest and Back day, and as on all back days, there were lots of pull ups on the agenda.  I suck at pull ups and have to do the assisted variety.  Dave was being his usual couch potato self and was watching me work super hard and gave me this input: "Maybe you should switch legs.  I don't want you to have one super big leg."  Helpful husband, isn't he?  However, it shows just how much I rely on my leg to get me over the bar, especially with the wide grip pull ups.  I am proud to say, however, that I can do 4 or so chin ups all by myself, thanks all of the work I've put into my biceps and back.  Today was plyometrics day on the P90X calendar.  Plyometrics is basically jump training and it really gets your heart rate up.  I opted to do Core cardio and Balance from Shaun T's Insanity program as well as Cardio Abs from same.  The whole Insanity program is quite plyometric and I wanted some ab work.  The love handles are not lovely.  Oh my goodness, what a great workout!  The Insanity program is a HIIT program.  This stands for High Intensity Interval Training.  You work at your max level for a few minutes, until your hear rate is really high, and then rest for 30-45 seconds and bring it down and repeat for about 40 minutes.  The cardio abs video is only about 20 minutes, though, so my total exercise time today was about an hour.  I was surprised at how well I kept up because I haven't done any of his videos in quite some time and I haven't gone out for a run since it started snowing.  Cold seems to bring out my lazy.  Tonight I am feeling good and healthy and fit.  Not yet superfit, but definitely closer.  I'm glad for this, even though I'm slightly disappointed that the numbers on the scale didn't move this week.  May be that the scallop fry on the weekend was not a good idea...who am I kidding, of course it was, lol.