Wednesday, April 20, 2011

Progress! Finally!

I have not posted anything for a long time because this journey has been so much tougher than I had anticipated.  There have been many setbacks for me from binging to laziness, but the last two weeks have been successful!  This morning the scale finally tipped in my favour at 118.8 pounds.  The success has come from switching up my routine, thank you Jillian Michaels!  I didn't think that 20 minutes could possibly be enough to shed some extra body fat, but it has helped tremendously and I love it.  I usually still do something else as well in the evening, like playing a Wii dance game or doing a cardio kickboxing video, something fun.  I have not taken my measurements for this post, but I can tell you that rock solid abs are emerging and previously tight pants are looser!  Sometimes when I do the laundry and fold my clothes I still can't believe they belong to me.  For so many years I felt terrible every time I folded my pants because they were so BIG!  I can't even describe the satisfaction I feel that I have made it from an overweight couch potato to a healthy, fit person who can't stop moving!  It used to be hard for me to work up the ambition to go outside and play with Hannah.  Now I love going out for bike rides with her!  In the beginning my motivation was to be skinny.  It is now to see just how fit I can get.  How hard can I work?  How far can I push myself?  I feel great not only to have managed to lose the extra weight, that was the "easy" part (well, not easy, but easiest).  The greatest accomplishment this time (having lost some weight in previous attempts) is keeping it off for nearly a year and a half. 

My plan was to work as hard as I could doing P90X all the time again, but I found it hard to stay focused doing the same thing over and over again.  I still do one of these videos probably a couple of times per week, but I'm finding that I'm having more fun and working harder because I've been going different stuff and it's paying off.  With only 1.8 pounds left to reach my goal weight, I can see that it's going to take a lot more squats to reach my goal hip measurement, but like I said in the beginning, that one is flexible.  

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