Wednesday, January 19, 2011

Cookie Monsters make my plan difficult...

I would like to be the kind of wife/mother that my mum is.  When I was growing up, and even now, there was always something fresh in the cookie jar or on the cake pedestal.  I try to keep up because my Dave and Hannah love to have this kind of stuff around as much as I did.  And really, it's not a problem as soon as the cookies are baked.  However, I love cookie dough.  I can't stay out of it.  And so today, on day two of my journey, I had a date with the cookie dough.  Probably two cookie's worth of it, down the hatch before I could even think "Stop!  Bad girl!"  Oh well, the rest of the day is mine, and so is tomorrow because surely the cookie monsters I live with won't down the whole batch before then.

OK, negatives aside, workout plan is going well.  Yesterday was Plyo day, and I didn't find it as hard as I did the last time I went through the P90X series!  Yay for that.  My strength and cardio are definitely improved.  Today was shoulders and arms day and that went well, too.  I've upped my weights since last time and am feeling good about how much I'm moving.  Usually I'd have been for a walk already as well, but today is not a nice day and I don't want to go outside.  Not fair really to the boys, I know, because I can still get moving in the house, and they really can't so much, but they'll deal.  They can play outside together.  I will make up for not going this afternoon with some Kenpo X.  For those of you who aren't familiar, Kenpo X is like a cardio kickboxing class.  LOVE IT!!!

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